About Us


ChemNergy was founded in 2001. Since its establishment, ChemNergy has emphasized the "Total Solution Approach" and result-driven programs to help customers improve performance and profitability.

Every industry has its unique operational needs and business challenges. This requires different expertise, this intensive, hands-on process allows ChemNergy's representatives to apply their technical skills, implement best practices, and provide the greatest value to its customers.

Our products are used in boilers, cooling towers, influent/wastewater and process systems. We provide our customers with superior technology and service to help them reduce their operating costs, improve productivity and profitability as well as meeting their environmental objectives.

Capability & Offering

ChemNergy is a premier supplier of specialty chemicals , monitoring solutions and engineered system for water and industrial process systems.


Boiler Water Applications

Boiler water treatment programs help to ensure safe and reliable steam production to meet peak demands, reduce energy losses, optimize water utilization, minimize waste treatment costs and avoid costly unscheduled maintenance by extending equipment life.

  • Oxygen Scavenger
  • Scale & Corrosion Inhibitor
  • Steam Condensate Neutralizer
  • Fire-side additives

Cooling Water Applications

Cooling water treatment programs control corrosion, scaling and mineral and microbiological fouling in closed, open evaporative and once-through cooling systems. Specific program utilizes halogen resistant approach that ensures chemicals used are not degraded by the strong oxidizing power of the halogens used in most cooling systems, to allow the chemicals to do their job more effectively, and achieve even higher corrosion, deposition and microbial control while enhancing heat transfers efficiencies and plant reliability.

  • Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor
  • Dispersant
  • Biocides
  • Defoamer
  • Closed Loop Treatment

Influent and Waste Water Applications

Waste water treatment products employ specialty chemicals for removing pollutants in water, principally through coagulation, emulsion breaking, metal precipitation, flocculation and demulsification. These services are sought after by customers seeking to recycle water and to comply with discharge regulations.

  • Coagulant, Flocculant, Dewatering polymer, Bio-Remediation/Bacteria Culture, Heavy Metal Removal

Membrane Treatment Applications

Protect your RO membranes from impurities, scale and microbiological fouling

  • Antiscalant
  • Biocides
  • Clean In place Chemical
  • Pretreatment Chemical

Industrial Process Treatment Applications

At different stage of production, ChemNergy has the technology and treatment programs to increase plant efficiency and customer competitiveness by controlling process problems and lowering operating costs.


Analytical Instruments and Monitoring Solutions

For On-Site & Off-site Monitoring Solutions

  • Analytical Instruments
  • TOC Analyzers
  • Engineered or Standard System

Filtration Technologies

We offer wide range of separation technologies, designed for drinking water, wastewater and industrial process applications

  • Cartridge Filters
  • Coalescer Filters
  • Filter Bags

Ultrafiltration (UF) & Spiral Wound Membrane

Membranes designed to meet unique treatment situations

  • UF hollow fiber membranes
  • Spiral wound membranes RO / NF / MF

Media Filters & Ion Exchange System

Design and supply of various media filtration systems including anthracite, sand, gravel, activated carbon, manganese green sand, zeolites, ion exchange resin, Softening resin or other specialty media.

Applications :

  • Raw/Surface water treatment
  • RO Plant/Ultra pure water treatment
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Boiler feed water treatment
  • Cooling water treatment
  • Process water treatment

Wastewater Engineered System

  • MBR - Membrane Bio-Reactors
  • EAF - Entrapped Air Flotation
  • DAF - Dissolved Air Flotation
  • ZLD - Zero Liquid Discharge

Reverse Osmosis (RO) System

RO membrane systems apply a strong pressure gradient to drive water through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving salts and other impurities behind.

Applications :

  • MBR - Membrane Bio-Reactors
  • EAF - Entrapped Air Flotation
  • DAF - Dissolved Air Flotation
  • ZLD - Zero Liquid Discharge


Electrolytic technology uses pressure and electrical current to separate contaminants from pure water through a semi-permeable material that includes both cationic and anionic membranes.



A wide range of clarification equipment that fit into a full system or operate as stand alone units.

Applications :

  • Water Purification
  • Wastewater Reuse
  • Industrial Process

Disinfection / Oxidation

We offer a variety of Ozone, UV and Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) technologies, applicable for municipal and industrial water applications.


Chemical Dosing System

For Water & Process Treatment System

Applications :

  • Petro-chemical / Refineries
  • Chemical Industries
  • Steel Industries
  • Paper Industries
  • General Industries

Industrial Effluent Treatment System (IETS)

  • Conventional Treatment
  • Advanced Treatment with Membrane Technologies
  • Refurbishment and upgrading
  • Water Reuse Program

Portable & Mobile Services

  • Consumables Programs
  • Equipment Rental Contract
  • Emergency Water Supply
  • Global & Local Field Support

Why Choose Us

Driving result with comprehensive, unique & advanced solutions


Technical Solutions & Services Capability

Equipment & Engineered Solutions

  • Water
  • Wastewater
  • Water reuse

Specialty Chemical & Monitoring Program

  • Boiler
  • Cooling
  • Membranes

Custom Made Solutions

  • Process chemistry
  • Difficult-to-treat water

On-Site Expertise


Enhanced & Proven

Leading Automation

  • Comprehensive & customized

Digital Tools

  • Cloud based asset performance solution


  • Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning

Case History

Local & Regional Support & References

  • Reduce Operational Risk
  • Optimize Cost of Production
  • Achieve Environmental Compliance
  • Enhance Profitability and Satisfaction

Industries We Serve

Case History & Testimonials

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